Gift Ideas?

Having a hard time thinking of easy simple gifts to give to someone or someone's child? Here are simple gifts that don't take much time at all. Kids love playing pretend "kitchen" or "restaurant". Why not make your own gift!

Felt Fruits Anyone?
I absolutely love this pattern. The pattern author is Bugga Bugs and she is an awesome pattern designer. If you go to her website she sells tons of felt stuff, from food, dolls, activity books, toy towns and holiday things. Bugga Bugs also sells her patterns at

I am offering a class for $10.00/2 hour class to make as many of these little Felt Fruits as possible. If you have felt do bring some to add to the collection. You don't need much fabric either, just an 8" X 10" can probably make 2-3 fruits!

Felt Veggies -
I am offering a class for $10/2 hours to make as many of the veggies you want. You can bring your own felt or I have a some you can borrow. An 8" X 10" square can make 2-3 veggies!
